Criteria Requirements

Scholastic Requirements

1. Must have a 7-semester minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

2. Must have scored at least 19 on the ACT or at least 900 on the SAT.

3. Transcript and ACT/SAT scores will need to be provided prior to fundraising.

Other Requirements

1. Must be a senior student-athlete registered with the AAA.

2. Must be attending an accredited college, university, technical or vocational school in the state of Arkansas. (Acceptance letter needs to be submitted prior to distribution of funds.)

3. Must enroll in the same year in which the scholarship is awarded.

4. Must display the listed scholarship criteria.

5. Must be enrolled and taking a minimum of 12 semester hours before any funds will be disbursed.

6. Must maintain a cumulative 3.0 or higher GPA

Must be enrolled for 4 consecutive years to receive the $2,500 yearly scholarship.